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New Year Goals!


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I think everyone has them even when they don't want to admit to it. The whole new year new me thing dies hard lol

So what are some goals you have for 2024? 

My main goal right now is losing some weight. I wanna drop some fat and then work on getting in better shape. Putting on some muscle. I have not been fit since I was in my early 20s. I gained mad weight since then and have not really worked out or anything in years. 

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I usually make them and break them pretty early, so mine this year was not to make a big deal out of the resolution and just work at the things I want to improve instead of setting hard easily abandoned goals. Good luck on yours though, push through on those rough and wanting to be lazy days.

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Weight loss is hard, putting on muscle is even harder. I wish you the best!

As for me, I stopped doing new year's resolutions years ago when I realized I never make it out of January still sticking with them lol Instead if I want to change something, I just start it no matter what day or time of the year it even is. I like to use time markers to make it easy but I fine when I pick "the first of ___" as in a month, I set myself up for the same failures I did with new year's resolutions. 

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My goal is to buy a house. Will I be able to? I have no idea. Set to get a massive promotion at work to make it more affordable but interest rates need to come down and houses need to be on the market for me to buy one. Not much around here. 

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On 1/6/2024 at 2:12 PM, crytocat said:

My goal is to buy a house. Will I be able to? I have no idea. Set to get a massive promotion at work to make it more affordable but interest rates need to come down and houses need to be on the market for me to buy one. Not much around here. 

Bro I feel you. I should have bought a house in 2020. I was ready for it and had money saved. There were houses all over too. But because of Covid I backed off and said I would give it a year to calm down. Ended up waiting too long and now I can't find anything in my price range anywhere near me. I can get something further out but no way in hell do I want to drive 40+ min to and from work every day! I am keeping it to a max of 30 min.

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19 hours ago, KardiaKidd said:

Bro I feel you. I should have bought a house in 2020. I was ready for it and had money saved. There were houses all over too. But because of Covid I backed off and said I would give it a year to calm down. Ended up waiting too long and now I can't find anything in my price range anywhere near me. I can get something further out but no way in hell do I want to drive 40+ min to and from work every day! I am keeping it to a max of 30 min.

Keep at it, it should come back down to earth soon. It is crazy the amount some people want for something that was 150k 3-4 years ago. I hope you guys get that. A house one day is the goal currently thats not feasible either so hoping one day.

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The prices seem to be coming down again in terms of mortgage rates. I am keeping an eye on things. I rent a house and it beats living in an apartment but the prices just keep going up every year. I can live in a house for less at this point but I can seem to find a house around me either. People are asking like 100k+ over the actual value of these things. It is crazy!

As for goals, I would like to find a means to make stable income online this year. Even if it is only a few hundred to start. My goal down the road is to only need to work part time and have steady income online. I know it is something a lot of people want but I am willing to wait and put in the work. 

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I don't like making goals for new years cause I never stick to them. I used to do them every year and just gave up. So I am working on everything I had planned for last year this year as well. Making small progress in my life. Reaching my age goals like owning a home, marriage, kids, etc. 

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Mostly just saving money and trying to make healthier habits. Used to go to the gym 3 times a week and stopped in 2020, my local gym that I went to closed in 2021 so I never actually made an effort to find a new one. Might look into setting up a small home gym for myself. Find some used equipment on Craigslist or something. 

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On 1/8/2024 at 4:21 PM, KardiaKidd said:

Bro I feel you. I should have bought a house in 2020. I was ready for it and had money saved. There were houses all over too. But because of Covid I backed off and said I would give it a year to calm down. Ended up waiting too long and now I can't find anything in my price range anywhere near me. I can get something further out but no way in hell do I want to drive 40+ min to and from work every day! I am keeping it to a max of 30 min.

I think a lot of people are in the same boat. Just sucks cause all my plans I had have been pushed back. Like certain things can only get put on hold for so long before it is too late.

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