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Hello and welcome to GTA VI Forums (referred to as "we," "us," or "our"). By accessing or using our website, you (referred to as "user," "you," or "your") agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using our website.

The purpose of this community is to allow members to discuss anything and everything GTA VI related. Due to other forum sites being difficult to navigate and nearly impossible find relevant information, this community was created.

1.       Registration and User Accounts: Registration on GTAVIForums.com is open to individuals aged 13 years and older. You must provide accurate and up-to-date information during the registration process. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials. Any activity conducted through your account is your responsibility.

2.      Content Guidelines: Users are responsible for the content they post on www.GTAVIForums.com, including text, images, links, and any other media. Posting of explicit, offensive, defamatory, or illegal content is strictly prohibited.

 3.       No Religion or Politics: Religion and politics are great, to some people. It’s important to keep in mind these are highly divisive topics and not everyone shares the same beliefs. In order to foster a community atmosphere, religion and politics do not belong on this forum. Please respect that others probably share differing beliefs than you and leave these topics out of discussions.

4.       Be Kind: Exercise restraint in your language and comments, avoiding any form of hostility, provocation, slander, derogation, abuse, aggression, or confrontation. Derailing discussions with unrelated topics, especially when instructed not to by a moderator, is discouraged. We do not want discussions turning into personal conflicts or debates.

5.       No Hate Speech: Discriminatory language, racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, ableism, or any form of bigotry, is strictly prohibited. Employing slurs could result in an immediate and potentially permanent ban, contingent on context. This also extends to thinly veiled indirect comments.

6.       No Harassment: Continuous intimidation, pressuring, pestering, or sexually explicit comments, whether public or private, are not tolerated. While we encourage resolving personal issues through private messages, staff may intervene if reports are filed by the involved parties.

7.       Respectful Communication: Avoid using derogatory terms, if you don’t want somebody calling you a name you probably shouldn’t use it. To put it simply, treat others how you want to be treated. Repeated or intentional use of disrespectful language may result in expulsion from the community.

8.       No Explicit Material: Refrain from sharing or linking explicit, pornographic, or offensive content, including sexual or gory material, even if it originates from video games. Depending on the content and staff warnings, this could lead to an immediate, permanent ban.

9.       No Spam: Off-topic, nonsensical, one-word, or smiley-only posts that contribute nothing to the conversation are discouraged. Repeated posting is discouraged, and reviving old topics should be done judiciously. If you have nothing substantial to add, it's best to refrain from posting. Avoid inflating your post count with irrelevant contributions.

10.   Reporting Posts and Spam: Utilize the “Report” system to flag posts or members that breach the rules. Misusing the reporting systems will be treated as spam behavior. Certain links, such as shorteners and profit-making websites, are frowned upon.

11.   No Advertising: Refrain from promoting websites, YouTube channels, Discord servers, or other services through unsolicited posts or private messages. Sharing content from these sources is acceptable, so long as it’s relevant to the discussion.

12.   Intellectual Property: Users retain the rights to the content they post on www.GTAVIForums.com. However, by posting content, users grant www.GTAVIForums.com a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, and worldwide license to use, modify, and distribute the content.

13.   Modification of Terms: We reserve the right to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time. Continued use of GTAVIForums.com after changes constitute acceptance of the revised terms.

Consequences for violating these rules include reminders, warnings, temporary bans, or permanent bans at the discretion of moderators. Your Member Log will document the actions taken, taking into account the severity, frequency, and history of rule violations. Keep in mind that staff opinions do not necessarily reflect the collective views of GTA VI Forums; we aren't a singular entity and often possess differing opinions.

Our community heavily relies on members to report posts, topics, or users that violate these rules, using the “Report” system found at the bottom of each post. Therefore, we encourage you to use the system frequently.

Practicing common sense will help you navigate smoothly! Like any other forum, there's an unspoken etiquette in the community concerning spamming (the occasional meme is acceptable) and trolling (deliberate attempts to annoy or provoke). While such actions might not always be strictly enforced as rule violations, moderators will intervene if these behaviors become chronic or cause issues, following complaints from other members. Above all, we are a fan forum, not a platform for hatred or hostility against anyone. Critiques are welcome, which is why we have "Suggestions/Comments/Complaints" subforum; Moderation is generally lenient in this sub, except in cases of annoyance, toxicity, harassment, or violation of the other primary rules.

Always remember that GTA VI Forums is provided as a free service. To ensure the community remains enjoyable for everyone, we reserve the right to remove users found breaking the rules or misusing the platform. Keep in mind that while you have freedom of speech, there isn’t freedom of consequences. Remember that you're a guest on a free, privately maintained community service; it's not a government platform, so Internet "amendments" or "free speech" laws don't apply. We reserve the prerogative to remove users who disrupt the community.


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