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 Until there is more official information regarding GTA VI, the forum is restricted to "Pre-Release". As more information is released, subforum categories will be opened.

[Giveaway] Win a copy of GTA VI on release day!


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Hi everybody,

I was thinking and I feel like a good way to kick things off would be a contest/giveaway.

Here's what I was thinking:

The first person to guess the release date of GTA VI correctly will win a copy of the game on the platform of their choice (either digital download code or a physical copy) on release day.


  1. There will be only one winner, the first person to accurately guess the release date.
    • If nobody guesses the exact date, the person closest to the date will win IF they're within 30 days of the correct date.
    • If two people are equally close to the date, the user who posted their guess first will be declared the winner. 
  2. The contest ends the day the release date is officially announced.
  3. Sharing a link to this post on social media (post a screenshot of your post) will make you eligible for a second entry (guess).
    • If you share the link and are eligible for a second entry, edit your ORIGINAL POST to include your screenshot and second guess.

If you win:

The winner will be publicly announced on the day the release date is officially announced. If you're the winner, I'll send you a PM to get your information and preference. If you choose the physical copy, it will be preordered and delivered to your address. If you choose a digital download, the code will be sent through PM.

I will provide proof that the winner actually receives what is promised.

EDIT: If you decide to edit your post, Admin/Moderator accounts are able to see the revision history. To protect the integrity of this contest, only the original date (or dates, if eligible for 2 entries) selected are eligible. 

Edited by Admin
Added clarification about editing posts and what happens in the event two users are equally close to the correct date. Also changed from "within 7 days" to "within 30 days of the correct date."
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