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  1. Christmas this year was bittersweet. My grandfather has had a recent health decline, rapidly. I’ve been spending a lot of time with him just trying to enjoy his last days and at the same time be there to support my grandma. This also feeds into me apologizing for not being very active here lately, I’ve just had a lot going on.
  2. Unfortunately not, it was scrubbed from the internet before I could get my hands on it. Do you happen to have the video?
  3. You and me both. I was really hoping to see “Coming 2024” at the end of the trailer, but we can’t always get what we want I guess. Above all I’m just glad we finally have a time frame instead of everyone just guessing
  4. Quite a few guesses in April, do yall know something I don’t?? Lol
  5. Instagram user @thehoodclips posted this screenshot and I thought it was hilarious. I guess it’s only right that Rockstar is putting culturally relevant stuff in GTA VI but holy hell, filming thirst videos at the beach? Damn Or who knows, maybe she doesn’t realize he’s taking pictures?
  6. Absolutely, @Juke The “rules” say you get an additional entry for spreading the word about our community and I’d say you’ve done your fair share!
  7. I was thinking the same thing. I wonder how somebody got ahold of it? Maybe uploading it to YouTube early wasn’t the best idea
  8. Release date 2025! I was actually pretty impressed, the graphics are pretty damn good in my opinion. It focused mainly on Lucia, showing her in jail/prison. I wonder if the first mission will involve busting out? Or maybe just her starting from scratch getting released?
  10. You beat me to it! I just saw this and was about to post it. It’s now at 618k likes and 51k waiting. This is going to be huge!
  11. I saw different sides on Twitter, some people are saying it’s legit and others saying it’s not. OP claims he got it from his dad’s friend who works for Rockstar (also posted a picture of them together) so maybe it’s legit. But I also saw a post on Reddit claiming to be OP saying he made it himself using Unreal 5. I don’t really know which side I believe, but the interstate looks a lot like one of the leaks.
  12. I honestly can’t believe they actually gave us a date, I’ve been checking every hour expecting them to just randomly drop the trailer. This is the greatest start to December, EVER
  13. Saw this just now. It doesn’t specifically say the 12th but there will be an update in December
  14. I’ve seen the same, I think it’s just rumors at this point. I haven’t seen anything official from Rockstar and I’ve been watching them pretty closely
  15. I saw that tweet also, and I’m pretty sure we’ll start to see some more teasers next week. I personally think the trailer will drop on the 10th just because that’s rockstar’s 25th anniversary. I think the trailer will drop then because they originally announced the trailer in a thread talking about their upcoming anniversary. I put a countdown for December 10th (my suspected date) but I could be way off
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