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Manni L. Perez Obsession - Stop it, get some help!


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I just can't with this right now. Have you noticed how people on social media and other forums are so convinced that Manni is voicing Lucia that they started to harass her so she is deleting her content online now. What is wrong with people? Whether she is or is not the actress, this is just insanity. Leave the poor woman alone! 

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I saw she had some workout video up on Instagram I think and people were not leaving her alone in the comments so she deleted it. Now there is nothing on her profile. I get being excited but people need to chill out and understand that voice actors are people. 

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People do not care they only want to be right about what they are saying. I think the Michael voice actor was the same when they found him in like 8 days after the first trailer. Nobody has any chill or really any respect for other people. Even if she is the person there is no reason to harass her or spam her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A lot of people are very stupid or ignorant to their own actions and this has always been the case. We just unfortunately gave these same people more power and ability by normalizing people being online 24/7. 

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Yeah I agree with everything said. Like people are just too crazy and do not respect any boundaries online. Like back in the day, people had common sense interacting with people but these days everyone is just so freaking rude. 

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On 12/30/2023 at 5:05 PM, critznchips said:

Speaking of Michael's voice actor, wasn't he swatted this month? I swear people these days are just all around insane. 

Like you would have to be crazy to want to be famous. I just don't trust anyone anymore lol

It keeps happening as well. I think it happened like 4 or 5 times since the first in December. I don't know what people do this to others. It is such a dangerous prank like people don't give a crap anymore. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/13/2024 at 12:30 PM, YellowDragon said:

It keeps happening as well. I think it happened like 4 or 5 times since the first in December. I don't know what people do this to others. It is such a dangerous prank like people don't give a crap anymore. 

There isn't really much you can do about it either cause our tech allows for people to do it virtually untraceable. It just encourages it to keep happening. I know a number of people that have been swatted and they aren't even political or famous. One was someone I knew from another forum. He streamed a few times a week on Twitch. Only ever got maybe 200 viewers at a time and he got swatted in 2021 and quit. 

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8 hours ago, critznchips said:

There isn't really much you can do about it either cause our tech allows for people to do it virtually untraceable. It just encourages it to keep happening. I know a number of people that have been swatted and they aren't even political or famous. One was someone I knew from another forum. He streamed a few times a week on Twitch. Only ever got maybe 200 viewers at a time and he got swatted in 2021 and quit. 

And I cannot blame him for quitting. I would stop too I would be way to paranoid to keep doing streams because knowing some stranger knows where I live would make me panic. I am not built for that lol

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I think people finally chilled out about this, for now anyways. i know there will always be people scraping the internet for information dealing with the cast for the game though since nothing has been confirmed. 

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