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Decided to try out a new view, what do you think?

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Hey everyone,

As you probably noticed I decided to try out a new view to switch things up. I think this will make it easier to see the latest topics, while still allowing you to sort by whichever category you're looking for.

In order to sort by category, the sidebar on the right can be used.

If you don't like this new view, let me know. You can still switch between views by using the three buttons to the left of the "Start new topic" button (see the image below).

What do you think?

Screenshot 2023-11-12 175453.png

Note: this is only on PC, mobile will still display in the original format. 

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23 hours ago, Ri0tBlu3 said:

I like it. I switched to it. It is better for mobile and I am able to see what is new and active no matter which section it is in. It makes sense to have it this way IMO.

Mobile didn't change.

I like the way mobile is and it works great. The new view for the desktop is nice, I just wish the section on the right would highlight a different color when there are new posts or replies in that section. Currently it just highlights a bold white, which isn't as noticeable as the old view when new posts are made.

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10 minutes ago, Juke said:

Mobile didn't change.

I like the way mobile is and it works great. The new view for the desktop is nice, I just wish the section on the right would highlight a different color when there are new posts or replies in that section. Currently it just highlights a bold white, which isn't as noticeable as the old view when new posts are made.

Thanks for pointing that out, I'll see if I can't change that highlight color.

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