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Cars that breakdown over time?

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Even if you aren't wrecking your car, I would like to see some sort of wear and tear happen. Like maybe cheaper junker cars will randomly just give out and stop or not start to begin with. Have certain paint jobs, cheaper ones, show signs of rust and stuff from being in the rain. I would like some details like this to be part of the game if at all possible. Thoughts? 

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I wouldn't mind seeing like beater cars having issues but with how often you end up having to get your car fixed in game anyways, I can't see this being part of the mechanics. It would be cool to see some weather wear though but I doubt it will happen. 

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I know people were talking about getting sick and stuff too, this is all too much for GTA. 

I don't want this sort of realism in the game cause it takes away from it.. unless they have some sort of separate online mode I would not want it personally either way. 

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Nah I don't want anything of the sort. Some people said we should need to fill up gas too. That is just too real for a game like this. I mean imagine being online and running out of gas when you are in the middle of a fight with other players. Would not be good. 

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If this ends up becoming something that just gets annoying, I would end up hating it. While I do like the concept and the idea of having this in the game I think they would end up doing it in a way that almost "gets in the way" of enjoying the game so I am on the side of not wanting it. 

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I don't know if it was here or not but I remember reading a post someone made mentioning making GTA have different modes based on realism. The more real, the harder the game would be.

I am not sure if this would ever be something they do but I feel like having cars breakdown over time would be part of the annoyance of making the game harder and honestly less enjoyable. 

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On 1/23/2024 at 10:16 AM, critznchips said:

Nah I don't want anything of the sort. Some people said we should need to fill up gas too. That is just too real for a game like this. I mean imagine being online and running out of gas when you are in the middle of a fight with other players. Would not be good. 

Same for me. I would hate to have to fill up gas and stuff. Like unless this was a separate mode, not thanks! 

I want to relax and play, not have to worry about rust and gas lol

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