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Palworld - Anyone play this yet?


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I was really into Pokemon back in the day and this just feels like a more "adult" version of it in a sense. Has a bit more going for it too rather than just the basics Pokemon offers. I am tempted to buy it but I normally avoid buying games in beta. Also, was hoping it would be on console as well but it doesn't look like it will be anytime soon. Have you played it?

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I have played the crap out of this game. My wife and kids have all loved this game, I have almost 30 hours into it and love every bit of it. It is literally the Pokémon game that we all had wanted but never gotten. It is on Xbox, gamepass and steam, I got it on steam and it is a great game and for being early access it blows most out of the water. Its overall player count is 2nd in steam records only to Pubg and possibly this weekend if the hype continues it may surpass that. Its currently peaked at 1.8 mil users which is nuts for an indie game out of nowhere. Take the plunge and enjoy, it has bits of pokemon, ark survival, and breath of the wild sprinkled in.

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This game is not something I ever thought I would have enjoyed. 

And yeah I didn't think it was on Game Pass either but there it was. I started playing it the other day and got my friend playing it now. It has some monster hunter elements to it which I enjoy.

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I haven't tried it yet but have been following it and it is insane that it has THAT many new players. They virtually did next to no advertisement campaign for it. They just built something they knew people would enjoy and look at that, hundreds of thousands do!

I saw some cringe take from a Naughty Dog dev accusing the team of using AI and cheating as well as saying no way they have this much success without putting in tons of work or using a massive team. Modern devs in America are so far up their own arses it is insane. 

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Doing to download it tonight and give it a go. Looks interesting. Not sure if it is something I will enjoy or not. I have to wait and see.

Bunch of people are saying it is less buggy than the latest Pokemon and way more fun too.

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