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GTA 6 Update in 2024?


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Do you guys think we will get another update about the game this year or they will not give us much else until they have the release date set? 

I feel like since they named the trailer "1" we should expect to see a few more. Maybe we will see another one over the summer? Keep the hype train going!

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I do believe that we will hear more throughout the year. I imagine there will be two more trailers this year, probably early summer and then beginning of November would my guess. I do not think there will be much info besides the intended videos, unless somebody else leaks stuff. I am on the hype train no matter if we stop and chill for awhile, we will start up once again.

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I am going to predict another trailer to land in the fall and it will announce the game's release date. We know it is coming in 2025 assuming there are no delays which I don't think there will be. I think they are already in the testing phase. 

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On 1/17/2024 at 9:32 AM, Juke said:

I do believe that we will hear more throughout the year. I imagine there will be two more trailers this year, probably early summer and then beginning of November would my guess. I do not think there will be much info besides the intended videos, unless somebody else leaks stuff. I am on the hype train no matter if we stop and chill for awhile, we will start up once again.

I hope to god there aren't any more leaks. Like yeah we benefit off it getting able to see what they are planning but it ends up hurting us in the long run cause it causes delays and stuff.

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I am sure they will give us something. At least one more trailer. Maybe near the end of the year we will get the release date but who knows. They might hold out on that until it is only like 3 to 6 months away just to be 100% sure on it. 

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We will get at least one more trailer this year, I would not be shocked if we see two of them though. If they are planning for a 2025 release, a lot of people are speculating more now than before that the game will come out just before summer. 

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