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They may have cut extreme weather conditions


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There was a previous rumor that things like hurricanes will be in the game but now the new rumor is that they will be cut.

If I had to guess this is down to it breaking the game and them spending too much on it. Like I don't mind it being part of the story or something but having it happen at random would be a bit of a mess!

This is the source HERE

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3 hours ago, YellowDragon said:

There was a previous rumor that things like hurricanes will be in the game but now the new rumor is that they will be cut.

If I had to guess this is down to it breaking the game and them spending too much on it. Like I don't mind it being part of the story or something but having it happen at random would be a bit of a mess!

This is the source HERE

I had heard this as well, but we know how rumors are. I imagine the system was tricky and instead of focusing on that they scrapped it to work on other things. I do not feel like it will be a total loss, but even if it is scrapped doesn't mean they can't work on it after release and put it in an update.

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It would make sense to not do something like this unless it is just like some sort of built in cheat you can mess with offline. I can see something like this just causing all kinds of problems online as well as breaking things in the game.

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